Nature Based Solutions
for Atlantic Regional Climate Resilience

Solutions Towards Climate Resilience

What we are doing

NBRACER works with Demonstrating and Replicating regions in the European Atlantic biogeographical area to envision and co-design place-based sustainable NBS that are at one with the regional landscapes. The project aims to upscale these into coherent regional packages and build time- and place-specific adaptation pathways integrating local and regional solutions.

This process is supported by a regional effort to build adaptation journeys with community support, with input from teams testing and validating place-based NBS solution portfolios situated in landscapes. Innovative technical and adaptation transformation support packages will provide quantitative mapping methods and a transformative action approach. The project will enable capacity building and networking to scale the solutions and build connections.

Coordinated by Deltares, the consortium builds synergy from the strength of practitioners, ecosystem engineers, innovators of transformative adaptation, finance, and capacity building experts.

More Ways to Explore


Marine & Coastal

Marine & Coastal

The Atlantic marine and coastal landscape is characterised by multiple land/sea interactions, especially when low-lying. Important climate change risks include flooding, erosion, and salinisation, related to sea level rise and extreme events. This is closely related to water management, coastal protection, and transport infrastructure. Other challenges include tourism and biodiversity loss in marine and coastal ecosystems.



Climate change risks in urban areas are mainly related to extreme weather events (heat, drought, storms)  which can have negative impacts on interdependent Key Community Systems. Challenges faced by urban areas include affordable housing, renewable energy, poverty alleviation, and promoting entrepreneurship, innovation, and social equity. Addressing these issues requires multi-level governance and collaboration among national, regional and local levels.




Rural Landscape

The Atlantic region’s rural landscapes face climate change risks like flooding, drought, heat, salinisation, subsidence, and water shortage. Challenges include improving farming practices, aligning agriculture and nature, proposing smart water management and using digitalisation and communication to enhance existing infrastructure and services.

Key Exploitable products

Project main results with the highest potential to be exploited

Landscapes toolbox

For landscape characterisation and modelling of biodiversity and ecosystem services​

Conceptual framework​

To assist the design of NBS at multiple scales and landscapes

Open-source​ product

GIS-based decision support tool delivering across scale place-based of trade-offs and synergies of solutions portfolios based on climate scenarios using European standards and data portals

Regions Toolbox

On economic development, finance and business support


A Comprehensive Methodology for Regional Transformation by NBRACER

NBRACER utilises innovation expertise, processes, and methodologies in partnership with regions to enable transformational changes in three distinct landscapes – marine and coastal, urban, and rural. The NBRACER methodology comprises the following interconnected methodological building blocks.