Published On: October 18th, 20240.8 min read

The Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region was present at the invitation proposed by the Bordeaux urban planning agency, A’urba to talk about Nature-based Solutions.

It was a morning dedicated to presentations, discussions and debates around Nature-based Solutions as tools for adaptation and resilience of territories echoing the month of resilience.

Marion Poncet, from the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), set the framework for the definition of NbS and two round tables presenting concrete actions in the territories followed.

First, the NBRACER project with the demonstrators of re-meandering and groundwater recharge was presented, followed by other examples of reopening and re-meandering of watercourses in urban and peri-urban areas of Petit Rosne water cours or the implementation of another European LIFE Biodiver’Cité and resilience project in Bordeaux.

Very inspiring actions that encourage us to continue working for the adaptation of our territories.